David Antonio was a dear friend, and like an elder brother to us. We loved his energy and passion for life. His humour was infectious, he cooked great mona, and loved to share all things Kiriwinan with us. We give thanks for his life and friendship and are deeply saddened by his passing. We will miss him very much.
We send our deepest condolences to his family, and to all of those who are also close to him, who are no doubt also feeling this loss deeply.
Tuwagu, rest in peace.
With love
Doug & Jodi Lawton
Sydney, Tuesday 30 November, 2021
October 2018
June 2013
David Antonio with CFK On-Island Manager Lepani Ahab in May 2017
Whilst we have been locked down our wonderful knitters and sewers have been busy creating bags and bags of donations to send over and we have now had an opportunity to dispatch them. Hopefully they will arrive in time for Christmas :). Thank you so much to Sandy (Pictured), Michele and our wonderful Belrose and Irish knitters.
Packed up and sent on Saturday in this first dispatch (1 of 2) which was made up of 6 boxes.
For VBA’s:
124 New born baby Beanies (With love from Carmel in Ireland)
166 Mothers and babies beanies and one scarf (With love from the Belrose knitters and another local knitter)
30 knitted baby jumpers (With love from the Belrose knitters)
9 headlamps with three extra batteries each
12 stunning little hand sewn girls dresses (With love from Michele)
1,500 soaps
For Health Care worker:
2,500 Panadol tablets
For Schools:
100 multi-coloured pens (4 colours each)
48 pencils and 40 sharpeners
30 Dignity Kits
10 school backpacks
Off they go… yippee!!!! thank you to all our sponsors and donors for making all this possible!
It was a joyous moment for David Max Ibwasa seeing him with full smile while pumping the water for himself. Couple of days ago he was carrying little containers to fetch water for his family but now the pump has made life easier for him coz its just few meters away from his house.
Thanks to the social media for making it possible for our lovely friends from afar to react positively to help us. I and the Oyabia and Rabesi community want to send our sincere gratitude to CFK team and Jodi Lawton from Aussie and Toks Bwaina from Pom with the local team here in Trobs for putting things together for our pump to function.
Thank you all so much. Kamatokisi.
From Enos Enos, from Rabesi Village, thanking CFK on behalf of Oyabia/Rabesi people.
Update – Friday 19th Nov 2021: Oyabia/Rabesi water pump was out of service yesterday due to broken part. I called Koega last night and today he went to Oyabia to restore the water pump.
Now the water pump is back to operation. Oyabia/Rabesi people convey their heartfelt appreciation and thank you to CFK.
Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and donors we are able to provide more PPE, COVID-19 education material. Our plumber is also working on fixing the water pumps which is proving to be a constant challenge. Thank you for all your support!!! 💖