

We’re thrilled to announce that our mobile health clinics have successfully completed their first visits to expectant mothers on the island! After a year-long pause due to funding challenges, they’re back and ready to serve our communities.

Midwives from the Louisa Health Centre, along with our dedicated Village Birth Attendant (VBA) coordinator, have reached mothers, babies, and VBAs in remote villages.

We celebrate this significant milestone and recognise all who contributed to making this possible. This is just the beginning of our journey!

#KiriwinaHealth #MobileClinic #CommunityCare #MaternitySupport #HealthyMoms #VBAs #TogetherWeCan, #Caringforkiriwina, #caringforkiriwinavbas, #Losuiahealthcentre

Some images from some of the CFK VBA meetings. Header Image: Kilivila one meeting,

Kilivila two meeting
Kilivila two second group meeting-omarakana-kulakewa and kaulagu not present
Kuboma (VBA) meeting

We’d like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to P&O Cruises Australia for their invaluable support in making a significant difference in the lives of the women and children of Kiriwina. Thanks to their generous assistance, our donations were safely delivered earlier this month. The ship’s officer delivered birthing kits directly to our CFK representatives who were eagerly awaiting the ships arrival.

Due to a lack of transport and the closure of the airport, the isolated community of Kiriwina has been facing exorbitant delivery costs and desperate circumstances. The impact of P&O Cruises Australia’s support cannot be overstated.

We are thrilled to be able to continue this wonderful partnership and are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work together. P&O Cruises Australia, we appreciate you and the positive impact you have made on the lives of those in need. A huge thank you to Lynne Scrivens and Simone Pighini for working so collaboratively with us to achieve such a successful outcome.

#team, #management, #people, #caringforkiriwina, #cleanwater, #villagelife, #villagebirthattendants, #kiriwina, #trobriandislands, #papuanewguinea, #mothers, #mothersandbabies, #babies, #safebirths, #villagebirthattendants, #midwives, #P&Ocruisesaustralia, #education, #schools, #health, #charity.

We want to give a huge shoutout to Barb, a wonderful P&O passenger, for going above and beyond to deliver essential birthing kits and children’s clothes to our CFK Village Birth Attendant coordinator, Bokawau, last week.

Due to the airport closure, the delivery of these crucial items to our people on Kiriwina would have taken months, but thanks to Barb, they reached us in just a week! 🚢

We’re reaching out to any other passengers who might be interested in helping our cause. Your support can make a real difference and save lives. We will make sure to mail you the items. Please consider joining us in this meaningful endeavor! 💌

#P&Opassenger #humanitarian #helpingothers #charity #deliveringhope #savinglives #communitysupport #generosity #cruiseship #essentialitems #birthingkits #childrensclothes #Kiriwina #villagebirthattendant #caringforkiriwina

We’re thrilled to share that birthing kits for cruise ship passengers are en route to support our wonderful Village birth attendants on Kiriwina. Due to a high pregnancy rate, we need more birthing kits, and the generous support from two passengers has made a world of difference for the hundreds of mothers and babies we aim to assist. We are grateful for the impact you are making! Special thanks to the amazing, incomparable Miss Kathy for volunteering to help pack these kits for urgent delivery. Thank you for your support! #MakingADifference #SupportingMothersAndBabies #caringforkiriwina #strongwomenstrongbabies #reopenkiriwinaairport #P&Ocruisepassengers #P&Ocruises #PacificPrincessCruises

We are incredibly grateful to Praxeis and Aero Healthcare for their incredibly generous donation. We’ve received 210 paramedics bags that will be distributed to our team on Kiriwina. Thank you so much for this incredible support!

#Caringforkiriwina, #strongwomenstrongbabies, #CFK #donations #support #birthingkits #caringforkiriwina,#team, #management, #people, #cleanwater, #villagelife, #villagebirthattendants, #kiriwina, #trobriandislands, #papuanewguinea, #mothers, #mothersandbabies, #babies, #safebirths, #healthybaby, #healthymothers, #strongwomen, #strongbabies, #pharmacyselect, #health, #charity, #png, #charity, #aerohealthcare, #praxeis

At CFK, we celebrate and appreciate everything you do. We’re also excited to share that another shipment of donations has arrived on the Island. A big thank you to all the cruise ship passengers who have taken birthing kits on their journeys. Your support means the world to us!

#HappyMothersDay #CFK #donations #support #birthingkits #caringforkiriwina

Yesterday, we remembered the great Rev Dr. Ralph Lawton on the third anniversary of his passing. His contributions to the world and the Kiriwinan people will never be forgotten. It’s also been a year since the Kiriwinan’s organised a beautiful celebration of his life. Check out this short video of the event at LAWTON DAY 2023 – THE MOVIE – Caring For Kiriwina Ltd. Let’s honour his legacy by continuing to spread love and kindness in our communities.

#RememberingRalphLawton #CaringForKiriwina

We’re thrilled to announce that the latest batch of medical, knitted, birthing, and dignity kits have finally arrived in PNG! A big thanks to all the amazing volunteers, sponsors, and donors who made this possible. It’s always a moment of celebration when we receive confirmation that our much-needed donations have made it to Port Moresby. Now, we need to transport the supplies via plane to Alotau, followed by a slow boat journey to Kiriwina. We’re sending our best wishes for a safe and speedy journey to their final destination. Let’s continue to work together to support those in need!

#team, #management, #people, #caringforkiriwina, #cleanwater, #villagelife, #villagebirthattendants, #kiriwina, #trobriandislands, #papuanewguinea, #mothers, #mothersandbabies, #babies, #safebirths, #healthybaby, #healthymothers, #strongwomen, #strongbabies, #pharmacyselect, #health, #charity, #png, #charity,

We are extremely grateful for the continuous support from Pharmacist Jodi and the team at Pharmacy Select Balgowlah. Their generosity will make a huge difference to the people of Kiriwina, a community in need of basic drugs. We are pleased to announce that the donations have already been dispatched to Kiriwina. Thank you again Pharmacy Select, for your kind and thoughtful contribution to this worthy cause!

#team, #management, #people, #caringforkiriwina, #cleanwater, #villagelife, #villagebirthattendants, #kiriwina, #trobriandislands, #papuanewguinea, #mothers, #mothersandbabies, #babies, #safebirths, #healthybaby, #healthymothers, #strongwomen, #strongbabies, #pharmacyselect, #health, #charity, #png, #charity, #pharmacyselectbalgowlah

Thank you, Edwina, Pharmacist Jodi, and the Team from Pharmacy Select Balgowlah.


Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to all our sponsors and donors who have helped us keep Kiriwinan mothers and babies safe. We couldn’t have done it without your support. Together, we are making a difference and empowering women to bring strong babies into the world.

#team, #management, #people, #caringforkiriwina, #cleanwater, #villagelife, #villagebirthattendants, #kiriwina, #trobriandislands, #papuanewguinea, #mothers, #mothersandbabies, #babies, #safebirths, #healthybaby, #healthymothers, #strongwomen, #strongbabies, #ReopenKiriwinaflights, #reopenflightstokiriwina