

Dear new Foreign Minister, Senator Penny Wong and the incoming Labor Government. Let’s get the Friendship Grant reinstated! πŸ™ŒπŸ€žπŸ‘

Here are excerpts from the letter we sent to our newly appointed Foreign Minister over the weekend. Let’s get this quality aid intervention reinstated as a priority!!!

In 2018 CFK received an Australian Government Friendship Grant which funded our delivery of several midwifery education sessions on Kiriwina for the local VBAs. This was undertaken by two wonderful midwife educators from the Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick NSW (for details see this link: https://www.dfat.gov.au/sites/default/files/nsw_-_caring_for_kiriwina.png.) Our experience and feedback from these short and intensive sessions highlighted the importance of ongoing training and education for the VBA volunteers whose work in the community is literally lifesaving.

Unfortunately, COVID put a hold on the Friendship Grants and therefore the continuing of these in-country training activities over the last few years. While CFK continues its core commitment to the Kiriwina people, we are extremely aware of the critical need of trained and educated personnel overseeing midwifery and birthing support both at the local Health Clinic and in the community.

We ask if DFAT is proposing to reinstate the Friendship Grants scheme. It was an excellent mechanism for providing important aid to our closest neighbour, amongst others. Small and focused charities such as ours are well placed to provide quality overseas aid at a grass roots level to vulnerable communities, and the reinstatement of such a scheme would greatly improve the health and well being of some of our poorest neighbours, not to mention be a great thing for our countries as well.

Yours sincerely etc

Header image source: China-Solomons deal: US, Australia to boost PNG ties (smh.com.au)

#auspng, #laborgovernment, #senatorpennywong, #friendshipgrants, #dfatfriendshipgrants, #CaringforKiriwina, #birthingkits, #AustralianAid#AusSDGs @AusHumanitarian, #caringforkiriwinavbas, #safebirths, #dignitykits, #team, #management, #people, #caringforkiriwina, #cleanwater, #villagelife, #villagebirthattendants, #kiriwina, #trobriandislands, #papuanewguinea, #mothers, #mothersandbabies, #babies, #safebirths, #australiapngpartnership

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