
Strong Women Strong Babies

LHC/CFK Mobile Health Clinic

Project starts on the 9th October 2024

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Losuia Health Centre and Caring for Kiriwina Mobile Health Clinic, starting on...

Health & Hygiene Project

Hygiene is a critical issue on Kiriwina and this affects all inhabitants, including the women and babies. To help address this...

Local Midwife Training Project

Currently for the approx. 55,000 Kiriwinans on the Island there is NO Doctor and the two trained Midwives have recently retired....

Birthing Kits and other safe delivery supplies project

In rural PNG the mortality rate in childbirth is 1:7, with a maternal mortality rate of 3 in every 1,000 live...

VBA training Project

Ongoing Project

Strong Women and Strong Babies! Improving the quality of maternity care services can save the lives of women and babies, and...