Caring for Kiriwina has been assisting our over 300 Village Birth attendants from all over the Island of Kiriwina for over 10 years. The Kiriwina VBA’s do not receive any form of allowance or salary. They provide their time and service to the community on a voluntary basis with a generous heart to save lives and promote a high standard of pregnancy care and baby delivery. CFK provides the Kiriwina VBA’s with uniforms and other necessary items to encourage them to provide generous service out of a kind and loving heart and personality.
The Village Birth Attendants Support Programs Includes:
Project 1: Supply of Birthing Kits and other Safe delivery supplies – more information click on this link
Project 2: Village Birth Attendant Training Program – more information click on this link
Project 3: Local Kiriwinan Midwife nursing Training – more information click on this link
The 2021 year was a year of challenge with the emerge and rise of COVID 19 which affected many lives and the movement of people as well as the loss of lives of our loved ones globally. The operations of Caring for Kiriwina was greatly affected especially the limited donations we received from our donors during the year. Despite of the COVID 19 effects, CFK managed to continue its support to the people of Kiriwina during the year 2021. The support provided by CFK to the people of Kiriwina has greatly benefited and change the lifestyle and livelihood of the people.
Rates of pregnancy have exploded on Kiriwina during COVID, donations have been declining and the Kiriwinan people are in urgent need of more birthing kits, birthing delivery equipment and contraception aids.
Our CFK In-Country Manager – A BIG THANKS to DONORS – Video Below
In the VBA’s own words:
Latest videos of the CFK VBA’s providing progress updates and thanks to our donors:
Rebecca expresses her gratitude for the Kuluwa village CFK water pump, which has helped her community to access clean drinking water and safely deliver babies.
CFK VBA Rebecca, Kuluwa Village