There is an immediate need for used prescription reading glasses on Kiriwina. Many people have vision issues with no means of obtaining prescription glasses.
We would like to thank our wonderful regular supporter Leonie, for her latest generous donation of reading glasses to Kiriwina. Leonie is uniquely aware of the needs of the Kiriwinan people as she lived on Oyabia station from the late 60’s early 70’s, with her school teacher husband Ian.
Thank you Leonie, your generous donation will be a great relief to the Kiriwinans.
Please send all donations of prescription glasses to:
Balgowlah Parcel Locker
Jodi Lawton c/o Caring for Kiriwina
Parcel Locker 10243 16847
197-215 Condamine Street
Balgowlah NSW 2093
Thank you for your support!!!

#CaringforKiriwina, #birthingkits, #perscriptionglasses, #optometrists, #safebirths, #dignitykits, #team, #management, #people, #caringforkiriwina, #cleanwater, #villagelife, #villagebirthattendants, #kiriwina, #trobriandislands, #papuanewguinea, #mothers, #mothersandbabies, #babies, #safebirths, #australiapngpartnership