CFK VBA’s meeting January 2020. Just wonderful, you can feel the participants camaraderie. Photo: Toks Bwaina.
CFK provides a perfect opportunity for the women to take a break from their everyday domestic duties and meet to discuss the wider issues they and their families are facing on Kiriwina. Women power at its best!
We are very sad to report that one of our wonderful VBA’s, Elisa from Kaduwaga Village, is critically ill with throat cancer. She has trouble speaking and can only manage soup. We are all very sad to hear this news and send her and her family our love and prayers.
CFK VBA group photo taken July 2019, Rudy is seated on her knees with grey hair and with her right thump up and a green bag worn over her left shoulder
My name is Belinda Dobuya. I live in Kiriwina in a ward called Okaikoda ward. I serve two community wards namely Okaikoda ward and Obowada ward. Alright in 2005, oh no. In 1995, I started the work of a VBA, however, I had a serious problem of sourcing clean water to wash the new born babies and clean drinking water for the mothers. In 2018 I was relieved when CFK through the country manager Toks who have mobilized all the VBA’s on Kiriwina to work together as a team. The CFK installed the pump in my village which has helped and improved the standard of life of the new born babies and their mothers. However, the water was a high demand for the entire community and the whole community used the water pump for drinking and cooking. Now the pump is no longer in operation and I am making a desperate appeal for a better pump to be installed and can last longer to serve the new born babies, mothers and the community as a whole as source of water in this part of Kiriwina Island is scarce and difficult to obtain. I give my consent for my photo and this video to be viewed by viewers.
Belinda Dobuya – Kenobasi Water Pump
CFK is committed to fixing these issues, in the shorter term replacing the rubbers and in the longer term installing pumps that will be capable of serving hundreds of villagers in the long term.
The CFK Team
You can help us by donating, please CLICK HERE to donate
A short video of our VBA’s receiving the birthing kits from our in-country manager, Toks Bwaina, on 1 Jan 2020 and expressing their appreciation to the donors and wishing the donors Happy New Year.
My name is Rebecca. My husband’s name is William. I am from Kuluwa Village.
Before the installation of the water pump we normally fetch water at the swamp a long distance away from the village. When the rain comes the water wells are muddy and contaminated however we still fetch water for drinking. When there is dry spell we dig deeper water wells about 1 to 2 meters deep to find water. We wash new born babies from these contaminated water from the wells. Now that the water pump has being installed in my village, the pump has made a significant improvement in the lives of my people. We now have access to clean water at our door step. We use the water for drinking, cooking and helped the pregnant mothers and mothers who have delivered and their babies. My village has a total population of 400 people.
I give my consent for viewers to see my photo and hear what I have said. Thank you.
Rebecca – Kuluwa Village
Short video of Rebecca expressing how great the CFK pump has helped her community at Kuluwa Village.
None of Caring for Kiriwina’s success would have been possible in the past 10 years without the incredible organisational and managerial skills of our CFK in-country manager Toks Bwaina. Without his skillful management of the extremely difficult logistical tasks undertaken by CFK none of our wonderful results would have been possible. Toks Bwaina is a wonderful soul who has volunteered hours of his time for the benefit of his people. Caring for Kiriwina would like to take this opportunity to thank you Toks from the bottom of our hearts!!!
Toks and Vanessa on KiriwinaToks running VBA meeting on Kiriwina