Thank you to all our fabulous sponsors and donors
#charity, #womensandchildrenscharity, #caringforkiriwina
Thank you to all our fabulous sponsors and donors
#charity, #womensandchildrenscharity, #caringforkiriwina
Thank you so much to our wonderful volunteer packers, Maria Black, Tracey Small, Finola Border, Lucy Spencer and Bev Buckley, (the book club 🙂 with Andrew Sweeney providing cups of tea and Vanessa Palfreeman at the helm, who all gave up their Saturday afternoon to pack birthing kits for the women of Kiriwina.
Thanks also goes to the donors, who made it possible to purchase all our high quality contents to assemble the kits xxx.
May 2021
e-NEWS CFK progress May 2021
VBAs from all over the Island came to report to our in-country manager during his reporting visit in April, receiving delivery of birthing kits, lanterns, torches, PPE, baby clothing, batteries and soap.
Due to lack of delivery of basic health services to Kiriwina by the PNG National and Milne Bay Provincial Governments, the health services on Kiriwina have badly deteriorated.
The Village Birth Attendants (VBAs) are in desperate need of many items and equipment to help them in assisting with deliveries of pregnant women in isolated communities. The VBAs receive no form of support from the Government, their only support is through donations from CFK.
There are currently 275 VBAs on Kiriwina. Due to the increase in the rate of births due in April, May and June 2021, the VBAs have requested more birthing kits, birth record books, soap, face masks, hand sanitizers, hand gloves, torches, batteries, baby scales and other items to support their pregnant women deliver in their respective circuits.
We regularly send packages to the VBAs, and with your financial help this can continue. Please consider a regular donation, as this allows us to plan for the future and manage resources.
VBAs receive delivery of 50 lanterns and batteries for torches plus hundreds of birthing kits, baby knits and PPE.Regular Subscription Payment Donations
The Losuia Health Centre is currently in crisis with a lack of basic medicines, drugs and family control methods.
Losuia Health Centre nurses Linnesse and Raymond recently received delivery of hundreds of PPE, face masks, hand sanitizers, birthing kits and baby knitting clothes as well as COVID 19 Awareness Posters from CFK. Sister Linnese reported that the number of pregnancies for the first quarter (Jan – Mar) of 2021, doubled as compared with the last quarter of (Oct-Dec) of 2020. One reason for the increase is that the Losuia Health Centre has run out of family planning methods such as contraceptives and condoms.
Losuia Health Centre nurses Raymond and Linnesse receiving CFK donations.
Our In-country manager noted many pregnant mothers returning from the clinic at Losuia Health Centre.
Pregnant mothers waiting for their names to be called at the clinic at Losuia Health Centre.
Kiriwina Secondary School
The students are in a 4 week isolation lock down as directed by the PNG Government to control the spread of COVID 19, resulting in the closure of all Primary and Secondary Schools in PNG. The female re-usable menstrual pads and pens will be delivered in mid-May once the schools are reopened.
What a great Humanitarian
With CFK’s support Janson Toposona runs a small dispensary clinic in Kavataria Village. He is a Medical Officer by profession and former lecturer with Divine Word University based in Madang. He retired from his formal employment, returned home and volunteered to run the small dispensary clinic. The clinic is very helpful to the community. Janson provides free medical services and treats minor cases and with major cases referred to Losuia Health Centre for further treatment.
Jason in his hut which acts as a small medical clinic.
Water pumps
The Communities where the water pumps were installed reported that their pumps are in good condition and we have had further requests for water pumps to be installed in other respective communities and villages.
Food security program
The harvest season is getting nearer. The CFK sponsored gardens have been inspected and yams and other food crops are ready to be harvested in May, June and July this year. The long yams were ready and being harvested and they are being hung in the yam houses for long term storage. There are a total of 103 long yams, ranging from 0.8m to 1.5m! The other type of yams will be harvested in May when the food security yam harvest program is officially opened.
7.3.1928 – 21.4.2021
Rev. Dr. Ralph Lawton was regarded as a Kiriwinan (Trobriand Islander). He called Kiriwina “home” and spoke the Kiriwinan language fluently. He lived the life of the people of Kiriwina, ate the food, drank the water, felt the pains, struggles and the hardships daily. Ralph respected the cultural norms of Kiriwina.
In keeping with the Kiriwinan’s sense of humor Ralph was known as a chief and given the Kiriwinan name “Iyupalilaguyau Lotoni” which means “He who thinks he is Chief Lawton‘.
In Ralph’s honour the Oyabia Mission Station will now been renamed “Oyabia Iyupalilaguyau Lotoni”. Dual country memorial services were held simultaneously on Tuesday 27th April at 11am, with a huge socially distanced crowd of Kiriwinan’s in attendance coming from all over the Island. Tributes were given by representatives of the Kiriwina Bible Translation Committee, VBA’s, Catholic Church and United Church. During that ceremony the New Church Building at Mulosaida Village was also dedicated in honour of Ralph and officially named the “Rev. Dr. Ralph Lawton Memorial Church”. The church will be officially opened and dedicated in July 2021. Thank you Kiriwina.
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Photos of our fabulous Postie Andy and team, including Dugie, sending the boxes and boxes of birthing kits, baby knits from our gorgeous Belrose knitters, Michelle’s handmade dresses for the girls, pens, and pencils for the schools, backpacks for VBA’s, and school children, panadol for the Losuia Health Centre and Kavataria volunteer clinic.
We have also purchased another 30 lanterns, 10 boxes of batteries, 5 boxes of gloves, 10 boxes of face masks. Our In-country manager will travel over around the 14th of May to deliver female dignity kits to Kiriwina High Secondary School and meet with the school management to confirm the balance of 2021 school fees for 19 students.
Toks is also traveling to Kiriwina to officially open the harvest season as the host of the CFK Food Security Program to commence the harvesting of the yams that will be carried and stored into the yam houses to conclude the program.
Thank you, thank you all our wonderful donors and volunteers for making this all possible!!!.
#caringforkiriwina, #charity, #kidsandchildren, #womenshealth, #maternalhealth, #babyhealth, #education
7.4.1928 – 21.4.2021
Rev. Dr. Ralph Lawton was regarded as a Kiriwinan (Trobriand Islander). He called Kiriwina “home”. He spoke the Kiriwinan language fluently. He lived the life of the people of Kiriwina. Ate the food, drank the water, felt the pains, struggles and the hardships daily. Ralph respected the cultural norms of Kiriwina.
In keeping with the Kiriwinan’s sense of humor Ralph was known as a chief and given the Kiriwinan name “Iyupalilaguya Lotoni” which means “He who thinks he is Chief Lawton‘.
In Ralph’s honor the Oyabia Mission Station will now be renamed “Oyabia Iyupalilaguyau Lotoni”. Dual country memorial services were held simultaneously on Tuesday 27th April at 11am, with a huge socially distanced crowd of Kiriwinan’s in attendance coming from all over the Island. Tributes were given by representatives of the Kiriwina Bible Translation Committee, VBA’s, Catholic Church and United Church. During that ceremony the New Church Building at Mulosaida Village was also dedicated in honor of Ralph and officially named the “Rev. Dr. Ralph Lawton Memorial Church”. The church will be officially opened and dedicated in July 2021.
Thank you Kiriwina!