

It is a great relief to the parents and students for CFK coming to their aid. The CFK sponsored students of grades 10 and 12 will sit for their final National Examination next month and graduate with certificates.

CFK sponsored 19 students attending various grades from 9 to 12 of Kiriwina Secondary School (KSS) and 1 student attending grade 11 at Aiyura National High School (School of Excellence). The school fees (parental component) for the 20 students are being fully paid so that the students can complete their studies until to the end of the year. 

CFK greatly and sincerely appreciates all sponsors for your support to these students. 

These fees are only for one year, please donate for the following year/s, each quality adds one year. If any students finish year 12 this year, or leave school for any reason a new student will go through a vetting process before being chosen to join the Scholarship program.

(Photo showing 12 of the 19 students of KSS with the head teacher coordination CFK program at KSS) 

Ilai Tobitam got his new crutches at Chemcare Pharmacy yesterday after his first review. Stitches were removed today and sore dressed. Ilai is recovering and soon will return home to the Trobriand Islands.

Photo showing Ilai with his new crutches and shop assistance helping to adjust Ilai’s new crutches.

Thanks to the donors for the new crutches.

#caringforkiriwina, #health, #wheelbeing, #Iliascrutches

Doreen’s image is at the centre of one of our main homepage photos and the photos here, as she was in life, one of the central, original Kiriwina Village Birth Attendants that cemented the group together. She will be sorely missed by all who knew and loved her.

#caringforkiriwina, #KVBA, #villagebirthattendants, #birthingkits, #womenshealth, #babieshealth, #charity

Ilai was discharged from the Port Moresby General Hospital on Saturday 18 September 2021.

Ilai will do his routine check ups until he is completely healed and will travel back to Kiriwina as soon as flights resume.

In the meantime, Ilai supports himself with crutches to move around the house especially to the rest room and to his bed. He feels much happier and relieved to be out of hospital. Ilai and his guardian Lawton would like to convey their innermost feelings of gratitude and appreciation to the following:

1. God Almighty for saving his life from the mouth of the shark

2. Dr. Giyodobu Tosiyeru – Losuia Health Centre

3. Losuia Health Centre workers

4. Tropic Air pilots and medivac team and management

5. Port Moresby General Hospital Emergency ward medical team

6. Port Moresby General Hospital Ward 2A medical team and the surgery team

7. All Donors who donated beddings and other necessities

8. Port Moresby Trobriand community who donated blood.

9. Port Moresby Trobriand community and other friends who visited Ilai at the hospital

10. All who have prayed for Ilai and wished him a speedy recovery.

The crutches he uses are too short so we will buy another set of crutches with the funds received.

Thanks and appreciation for all your help and support.

These photos are from our in-country manager’s latest reporting trip last month to Kiriwina. Photos show Kiriwinan VBA’s receiving and distributing CFK donated items of birthing kits, baby knitting clothes, pens and school bags which reach extremely remote regions of the Island.

#CaringforKiriwina, #charity, #benevolentsociety, #mothersandbabies, #birthingkits, #cleanwater, #foodsecurity, #health, #wellbeing, #dignitykits

Kiriwina Secondary School Grade 12 students commenced their mock exams yesterday. The photo was taken by Mr Arnold Kalu, the teacher in charge of CFK program at KSS, showing four grade 12 students after their exams yesterday holding CFK donated pens. 😍🙌

#education, #charity, #benevolentsociety,#caringforkiriwina, #highschool, #kiriwinasecondaryschool, #year12exams

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