Thank you to the people of Mulosaida Village and the United Church of PNG. We are truly grateful for this wonderful honour in memory of the late great Rev Dr. Ralph Lawton. A magnificent church building now stands in testament to his lifelong service for the Kiriwinan people.
Ralph dedicated his life to the Kiriwinan people. Realising the need for Kiriwina language material he and his wife Margaret dedicated their lives to the translation of the Old and New Testaments, Hymn books, and the Kiriwina Dictionary.
His love for Kiriwina and her people was on display until the end. His engagement with Caring for Kiriwina’s activities and the knowledge that the work of this charity helping the Kiriwinan people still provided him with a source of strength and great comfort. This is also his legacy.
#caringforkiriwina, #revdrralphlawton, #kiriwina, #mulosaidavillage, #pngunitedchurch, #pnglinguistics