

August 2020

e-NEWS School Fee Scholarship for Kiriwina


Kiriwina Secondary School Boarders in the girls boarding rooms.


Caring for Kiriwina has been helping the women and children on Kiriwina for many years. Even during the difficult conditions of Covid-19 pandemic, our in-country partners have continued to provide our support to the island. We continue to send birthing and dignity kits, and have recently sent safety posters, masks and sanitiser to the VBAs and the Losuia Health Centre to assist the health workers at this time. Beautiful hand knitted baby vests, and equipment for the Junior School have also made their way to the island recently as well as equipment and parts to repair the water pumps we maintain.

As our in-country training is not viable at this stage, we have developed a new initiative to provide scholarships for high school students on Kiriwina.  While schooling is free for all students in PNG, there is a cost for boarding at school on Kiriwina. There is only one high school on the island, and many students live in remote villages or outlying islands and so cannot attend daily from home. Kiriwina Secondary School provides a boarding facility for these kids to live at the school during term, and the cost for boarding must be paid by their families.  

Your donation of $125 can provide a year’s boarding for a student in need to attend high school and continue their studies. You will be supplied with a photo and profile of the student who receives the scholarship, and can communicate with them via CFK.

You can be assured that your full donation will be targeted to a particular student, who has been selected on the advice of both the Principal and Deputy Principals, to allow them to remain at school.

We appreciate the wonderful generosity of our supporters. As Australian Government funding has been put on hold during the pandemic, we rely solely on our donors to continue our work on Kiriwina.


$125 scholarship donation  

Below our CFK School Fee recipients so far… Congratulations!        
Regular Subscription Payment Donations
Single Donation  

Three boxes of Birthing Kits, knitted baby vests, jumpers, pens and pencils, masks and sanitizers are all winging their way to Kiriwina’s Losuia Health Care Centre, VBA’s and schools. Our In-country manager is hoping that the travel route stays open to deliver all the items personally by the end of this month. Fingers crossed.

Thanks again to all our donors, sponsors and volunteers. Without your help this work would not be possible.


There seems to be a theme here with the looks on the faces of these baby boys… the unprecedented times look?… what a year :O.

Photos of GORGEOUS new born babies delivered by Kavataria VBA’s – to put a smile open your dial :). Photos taken by Melcah Bwaina.

It’s not too late to get that last minute EOFY tax deductible donation in to help the women and children of Kiriwina. CLICK HERE to Donate.


In-country manager notes that due to Covid 19 restrictions on public gatherings only a hand full of VBAs were asked to come and distribute the items. Thank you to all our fantastic sponsors and donors for making this all possible!

Our fabulous co-head VBA Dulcie (second from left) distributing donated items to VBA’s from villages across the Island.

#PNG, #BirthTraining, #BirthingKits, #DFAT, #FriendshipGrants, #CaringforKiriwina, #Kiriwina