Off they go… thanks to all our helpers the Birthing kits, Dignity Kits and gorgeous donated hand knitted baby clothing are on their way… Jodi Lawton October 3, 2020 0 4 Thank you all for your wonderful work with getting these items to the very grateful Kiriwinans.Our wonderful Postman Andy and Dougie (with a different Hell Fish T-shirt 🙂 ) sending these donations on their way.Go girls, the wonderful Aren and Lila packing the Dignity Kits for the girls at Kiriwinan Secondary School.Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Related CFK Health&HygieneCommitteeCFK re-usable menstrual kitsDignity KitsNewsVBA Birthing KitsVBA Birthing TrainingVBA Training 2018VBA Training 2019VHV training 2017 Share it on