And to that end we are thrilled to announce our next x 5 CFK School Fee Scholarship recipients in desperate need of fee assistance. We do not have an image of the fifth student as the internet is not working on the Island again. It will come through as soon as it can.
Thank you again to all our Sponsors and Donors for making this assistance a reality.
I write on behalf of the 5 disadvantaged students and their parents to sincerely thank you and the fellow friends in Australia who heartedly sponsored our students in this category. Please pass our gratitude and appreciation to ALL who have took this humanly step forward to make a difference in the lives of these children now and the future.
Mr. E.TOPIRIM-Deputy Principal Administration/CFK Agent/Kiriwina Secondary School

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#KiriwinaSecondarySchool, #CaringforKiriwina, #Kiriwina, #PapuaNewGuinea