News from Kiriwina in real time in Facebook Posts, helping the young who are fluent in social media really assists our lines of communication. Such happy faces with their dignity kits. And look at those great water well diggers. It’s all happening thanks to our volunteers, sponsors and donors and our wonderful Australian Aid,Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, @FriendshipGrants, #DFAT, #FriendshipGrants Just WONDERFUL!!!
Kiriwina High School
CFK continues to render support to KHS female students with donations of menstrual kits. Male students with staff digging the water well for the school water pumps ti be installed by CFK…Thanks to TBwaina and CFK.
Thanks to CFK and in-country manager Toks Bwaina (3rd on the left photo bottom left) for supporting KHS with reusable menstrual pads for female students (pictured top) and also donated two water pumps for the school in his last visit (Pictured below). Tomorrow he will again visit the school and donate another lot of menstrual kits for the female students. Thanks CFK and Mr. Toks Bwaina for continuous support. GOD BLESS YOUR HEARTS.