It was wonderful and joyful activity meeting the babies with their mothers and distributing the knitting clothes and caps during the festive season.
Toks Bwaina (CFK In-country manager)
Our first delivery of baby knitting on Kiriwina last year was to the Kavataria village CFK VBA’s mothers and babies. The most recent baby knitting was delivered to our CFK VBA’s mothers and babies at the villages of Mulosaida and Oyabia-Orabesi. Almost 50 babies were given birthing kits and baby caps each. The mothers were also given caps that were too big for the babies.
The next lot of knitting to be sent over will be distributed to babies from other circuits.
A BIG thank you goes out to Sandy and all the Belrose Country Club knitters. What joy they are bringing to the Mothers and Babies of Kiriwina. Just wonderful!!! xxx.
#Caringforkiriwina, #mothersandbabbies, #charity