

Melcah Bwaina (CFK representative) has delivered 2 pks of pens to one of the teachers of Losuia Primary School, Mrs Beba who was one of the translators in 2019 VBA training in Kiriwina.

The schools on Kiriwina at all levels are running out of the basic necessities such as pens and notebooks. Please help.

If you would like to help us maintain a constant stream of basic education equipment please donate. CLICK HERE

VBA translator and Losuia Primary School teacher Mrs Beba receiving the CFK donated boxes of pens.

Four pkts of pens donated to Kiriwina High School Deputy Headmaster Mr Esau Topirim. The pens will be distributed to the students when school resumes on 27 April 2020.

Kiriwina High School Deputy Headmaster Mr Esau Topirim with CFK donated pens.
Photo taken by Melcah Bwaina.

April 2020


e-NEWS COVID-19  Please help.


CFK maintained Kavataria Water pump servicing over 5,000 people. 

WOW, what a difference a month makes. We are all reeling and trying to adapt to the ‘new normal’, however please do not forget those less fortunate. 

In addition to the education initiatives on Kiriwina of promoting safe birthing, healthy water, sanitation and hygiene:

  • we have launched a coronavirus education campaign on hand-washing, hygiene and distancing to prevent any possible spread.
  • our in-country manager is working with the Health and Hygiene Committee and the Village Birth Attendants to establish education sessions to promote public hand-washing stations.
  • we are distributing the soap and face masks to the Losuia Health Centre.
  • we are distributing education material to help reduce the stress and anxiety around the COVID-19 pandemic.

At present, our funds are very low. As well as our commitment to supplying regular shipments of birthing kits, we are endeavouring to supply, install and maintain hand pumps throughout Kiriwina that can supply clean water to each village. We desperately need your help. If you are able, please consider a cash donation using the link below, even a small tax deductible monthly commitment will make a huge difference and will enable us to continue our work.

Thank you for your support. Until next e-news, please take care of yourselves and each other.

Please Donate Regular Subscription Payments

Caring For Kiriwina
info@caringforkiriwina.org.au Please help the women & children of Kiriwina Unsubscribe

Luckily the 50 Health Guides ‘Where Women have No Doctors’ CFK sent to Kiriwina to be distributed to the Village Birth Attendants arrived just before the borders were closed.

Florence Silupaya (Mulosaida Village VBA) holding the book.
Sapaira Jacob (Mulosaida Village VBA) at the background
Our x 50 “Where Women Have No Doctor” Hesperian Health Care Manual Arrived
just as the borders closed.

Caring for Kiriwina is honoring the dedication and courage of nurses, midwives and Village Birth Attendants during this crisis. We need to advocate for the working conditions that allow them to provide quality health care, and to do so safely. Sufficient personal protective equipment – masks, gloves, gowns, etc. – as well as adequate staffing levels and equipment are needed. Nurses and VBA’s are the backbone of our health systems and it’s way past time their working conditions recognized that.

CFK is happy to provide protective items, we have the means but not the funding to do so:( 

Midwives and VBA’s have been caring for mothers and babies since the beginning of time. The increase in and wisdom of home births during this pandemic highlight their central role in supporting maternal and child health.

As we gratefully acknowledge nurses, midwives and VBA’s for their work during this COVID-19 pandemic, we should make our thanks concrete by supporting the systemic social changes that will enable them to improve health for all during and after this crisis.

Thank you Hesperian for these words (CFK have added VBA’s)

Please donate to our COVID-19 reponse CLICK HERE

Welcome to our new Baby of the Week Section

Each week I will upload a photo of one of our beautiful babies birthed by our fabulous Village Birth Attendants… something to make you smile.

The photos are of the new born babies delivered by Kavataria VBA’s. Photos taken by Melcah Bwaina on her recent visit for CFK to meet with our representatives and on Island and receive updates. All permissions have been received.

Hello baby girl Milan Noah. She is one month and a week old.

Just gorgeous!