Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have been able to deliver life-saving donations of birthing kits, dignity kits, and medicine to Village Birth Attendants and the LHC. Your support can make a real difference in the lives of those in need. By donating today, you can help us continue our mission of providing critical aid to the vulnerable communities on Kiriwina. Together, we can make a positive impact and save lives. Please consider giving generously to our cause.

#team, #management, #people, #caringforkiriwina, #cleanwater, #villagelife, #villagebirthattendants, #kiriwina, #trobriandislands, #papuanewguinea, #mothers, #mothersandbabies, #babies, #safebirths, #healthybaby, #healthymothers, #strongwomen, #strongbabies, #ReopenKiriwinaflights, #reopenflightstokiriwina, #pleasedonate, #charity, #acnc